Saturday, March 2, 2013

My First Trimester

When I first found out about my pregnancy I was only four weeks pregnant! Which is pretty early compared to most people. At first, I had NO symptoms, but that changed very quickly! I had it all. Nausea, vomiting, dehydration, sore breasts, headaches, exhaustion. You name it, I had it! I made a few trips to the maternity unit before the end of my first trimester for fluids because I couldn't eat or drink anything without getting sick! 

I had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks and 1 day, and baby was measuring exactly with my estimated due date. As you can see, the ultrasound just looked like a tiny peanut! I couldn't believe that was what my little baby looked like at 6 weeks! 

My first Ultrasound 6 weeks 1 day

At 8 weeks I had my first prenatal appointment with my obstetrician. They ran blood work, asked a million questions about my health, my husband's health and our family's health and history, and set up all the appointments for the entire pregnancy. 

My second appointment with the doctor was at 12 weeks where they did more blood work and answered any questions I had. They also listened to the baby's heartbeat, which was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard! The baby't heart rate was great, about 145 they told me. The normal range for a fetus is between 120 to 180, so I was very happy to hear that! 

At my 12 week appointment I had actually lost weight, due to all the morning sickness I had. Don't let the name fool you! Morning sickness can be morning, noon, and night sickness! I had it all day!

Andrew and me three months pregnant!

A few tips for getting through the morning sickness and first trimester:

  • Eat small frequent meals or snacks throughout the day.
  • Drink lots and lots of fluids! I had 8-12 ounces of water an hour. 
  • Avoid strong scents. Anything too overwhelming made me sick!
  • If you can't control the nausea talk to your OB. There are a lot of options with medication and herbal supplements that may help you. Zofran was my savior! 
  • Sleep is very important, try getting 8 hours a night, and if you need to, NAP! I took an afternoon nap daily. 
  • If you have heartburn, avoid foods that set it off, keep tums handy, and again talk to your OB. 
  • Remember, "eating for two" isn't true. Most women only need an extra 300 calories a day, but consult your OB for what your body needs. 
  • Continue to take prenatal vitamins.
  • Sign up for weekly emails through different pregnancy websites. A few of my favorites are listed below.
  • If you notice vaginal discharge, try using panty liners. They helped me from having to change my panties numerous times a day.

Hope you all enjoyed!


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